When is it Time to Replace Your HVAC System?

When your HVAC system starts to show signs of age, it's time to consider replacing it. According to the Department of Energy, air conditioning systems need to be replaced every 10 to 15 years. Although they are durable, the main components of any HVAC system will start to deteriorate after about 10 years. Systems that are more than 10 years old also use a type of freon (R-2) that is not only outdated, but also extremely harmful to the environment.

When the system gets old and needs a replacement, you'll notice that it starts up more often. It's normal for older air conditioning systems to ring over time. You may also have to pay for frequent system repairs and eventually replace some of the major components. If repair costs are more than half the cost of a new system, then it's time to “remove the old and go in with the new”.

Buying a new system will be a smart investment, as it will save you money in the long run and reduce your immediate energy costs. According to Energy Star, you should consider replacing your air conditioner if it is more than 10 years old, and you should seriously consider replacing the air conditioner if it is more than 15 years old, since this is the average lifespan of most cooling devices. An air leak could be the cause of the problem in your air conditioning system and will probably be less expensive than replacing it. The fact that your energy bill is still rising is a common sign that your system needs maintenance or replacement. Before replacing your new air conditioning system, staff must first replace the old equipment with your new air conditioning and heating unit.

Once the HVAC replacement installation is complete, pressure and vacuum tests are performed before the system is charged with new refrigerant.

Cost-Benefit Analysis

If you're wondering if your HVAC system needs to be replaced, a cost-benefit analysis can help you decide if repairing your old unit is as economical as simply replacing the unit completely. When replacing a part of the system, be it the HVAC compressor or the air controller, it is recommended that both systems be upgraded and, at a minimum, inspecting the ducts if they need to be replaced. In addition, while most HVAC contractors can update wiring and circuit breakers during a typical HVAC installation, major changes to the property's system and electrical circuits may require the services of an authorized electrical contractor.

Signs You Need To Replace Your HVAC System

However, regardless of the preventive maintenance you carry out on your air conditioning system, there comes a time when repairs are no longer sufficient and it is time to replace it. If you have unusually high energy bills in a month and you weren't expecting them, it's a sign that your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system needs maintenance and, possibly, replacement: the older the system gets, the less efficient it becomes.

Before you invest in a new HVAC unit, you may want to check your house and your HVAC unit for expensive air leaks.

Suzanne Wordell
Suzanne Wordell

Food expert. Friendly zombie aficionado. Avid student. Total tv junkie. Typical bacon practitioner. Professional tea expert.