What Type of Filters Should I Use for My New HVAC System?

Many home HVAC systems come with a MERV-8 filter installed by default. This is because a home warranty company will only repair and replace an HVAC unit if it has a filter that meets the appropriate MERV standard. When filters become clogged with debris, air can't flow freely through the ducts, making your home less comfortable and eventually causing damage to the HVAC equipment. Investing in a home warranty is a great way to protect your air conditioning unit from eventual failure.

But did you know that there are filters that are so effective that you don't have to replace them for another year? Not all HVAC filters are manufactured the same way. A filter is your HVAC system's first line of defense to ensure that the air quality inside your home is not full of dirt and dust, and to protect the internal components of the HVAC unit from damage. When selecting a filter for your HVAC system, it's important to consider the size of the filter, the type of filter, and the MERV rating. The size of the filter should match the size of your HVAC unit, and the type of filter should be appropriate for your needs.

The MERV rating indicates how effective the filter is at trapping particles in the air. The most common types of filters are pleated filters, electrostatic filters, and HEPA filters. Pleated filters are made from a pleated material that traps particles in the air. Electrostatic filters use an electrical charge to attract particles in the air.

HEPA filters are designed to trap particles as small as 0.3 microns. When choosing a filter for your HVAC system, it's important to consider your needs and budget. If you're looking for a filter that will last longer than a year, then you may want to invest in a higher quality filter with a higher MERV rating. If you're looking for a more affordable option, then you may want to opt for a lower quality filter with a lower MERV rating. In addition to considering the size, type, and MERV rating of your filter, it's also important to consider how often you need to replace it.

Some filters need to be replaced every three months, while others can last up to one year or more. It's important to read the manufacturer's instructions carefully so that you know when it's time to replace your filter. Choosing the right type of filter for your HVAC system can help ensure that your home is comfortable and energy efficient. Investing in a high-quality filter with a high MERV rating can help keep your air clean and protect your HVAC system from damage.

Suzanne Wordell
Suzanne Wordell

Food expert. Friendly zombie aficionado. Avid student. Total tv junkie. Typical bacon practitioner. Professional tea expert.